An opportunity to support country/regional students to attend the 2024 Oliphant Science Awards Open Days and Presentation Ceremony:

To assist the participation of country and regional students in the 2024 OSA Open Days and Presentation Ceremony, OSA Coordinators can apply for funding through the Regional Student Travel Fund.

To be eligible to apply for the Regional Student Travel Fund, the school’s postcode must fall within the Regional South Australia Definition. Please see the list of postcodes here.

OSA Coordinators from regional or country schools can apply for up to $300 per school to support the cost of student entrants travel to and from the OSA Open Days and the OSA Presentation Ceremony (where applicable).

The allocated funding will be administered as a lump sum granted to the school to be spent at the OSA Coordinators discretion in support of student travel only (The funding is not to be used to purchase Open Day tickets as these will already be discounted for OSA families).

If you meet the above criteria and have students interested in getting involved in SA's largest Science Competition in 2024, applications for the 2024 Regional Student Travel Fund are now open!

Please complete the application form below by 7 June.

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